GDPR Training Guide for Beginners 2023

GDPR training guide for beginners

What is GDPR and How Does it Affect Your Business? Here’s your crash course GDPR training guide to get you started.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is a set of regulations created by the European Union. Developed in response to growing concerns about the collection and use of personal data, it came into effect in May 2018. It gives individuals greater control over their personal information. It also ensures that businesses are transparent about how they collect and use that data. By doing so, the GDPR aims to protect the privacy rights of EU citizens.

Who does GDPR apply to?

GDPR applies to any business that collects or processes personal data of EU citizens regardless of where the business is located. Simply put, if you collect or process personal data of EU citizens, you must comply with GDPR. (So yes, the UK still has to comply post-Brexit.)

Personal data includes any information that can be used to identify an individual, such as their name, address, email address, or IP address. It’s important to note that GDPR applies to both data controllers (those who determine the purposes and means of processing personal data) and data processors (those who process personal data on behalf of data controllers).

What are the key principles of GDPR?

The key principles of GDPR include transparency, accountability, and consent. Transparency means that businesses must provide clear and concise information about how they collect and process personal data. Accountability means that businesses must take responsibility for complying with GDPR and ensuring that personal data is protected. Consent means that businesses must obtain explicit and informed consent from individuals before collecting and processing their personal data. Other principles include the right to access and control personal data, the right to be forgotten (ie deleted from the system), and the obligation to report data breaches.

What are the consequences of non-compliance?

Failure to comply with GDPR can have serious consequences for businesses, including hefty fines and damage to their reputation. Businesses may also face legal action and negative publicity if found to be in breach of GDPR. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to prioritize GDPR compliance. They must ensure that they are following all regulations to avoid these potential consequences.

How can you ensure GDPR compliance for your business?

To ensure GDPR compliance for your business, it’s important to first understand the regulations and how they apply to your specific industry and data processing activities. Conduct a thorough audit of your data processing activities. Identify any areas where you may be collecting or processing personal data without proper consent or security measures in place. Implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data, such as encryption and access controls. Train employees on GDPR regulations and ensure that they understand their responsibilities for data protection. Larger companies may want to appoint a Data Protection Officer to oversee compliance and handle any issues that may arise.

Never Fear, We are Here!

Phoenix Road Creative now includes a basic GDPR package in every website we build. If you already have a website, we can help you add this feature. This is good for businesses that use simple contact forms or newsletter signup forms. Larger companies and/or eCommerce sites that collect more data will need something a bit more extensive. In those cases we work with and recommend Queens Court Law firm. Tell ’em Phoenix Road Creative sent you.