Are You (and Your Customers) Shopping on Instagram?

Shopping on Instagram with influencer Everyday Abby

Start scrolling your Instagram feed or streaming stories the next time you need to check out for a min (don’t worry, we all do it) and you’ll no doubt see a sponsored post, ad, or influencer within the first few seconds you’re on platform. Are you shopping on Instagram?

Instagram may have started back in 2010 as a visual platform for connecting with friends. Now, it’s a marketplace, whether we like it or not. Instagram is always selling, in ads, at the “Shop” tab, or selling us on an aesthetic, location, or lifestyle. 

In recent years, Instagram has become a go-to e-commerce-friendly application. 

How did we get here?

Back in my day, every hour of network or basic cable TV had about 15 minutes of advertising time available. And, for the most part, network and basic cable TV was our primary viewing option. 

With the emergence of cable premium channels like HBO and streaming services like Netflix, commercials were eliminated. Advertisers had to find a new way to reach audiences.

The lightbulb turned on… social media was the answer!

This new form of advertising has opened up opportunities for smaller creators and brands, which, in my opinion, is a great thing. Instead of seeing only ads for top companies like Pepsi and Nike (because they were the only ones who could afford to advertise on TV), we see ads that are curated specifically for us from smaller businesses, too.

How People are Shopping on Instagram

Shopping on Instagram can be great because you can access lots of products and services. Personally, I’ve found a lot of products that I love on Instagram. 

There are a few ways to shop on IG…

  • Shopping ads – On Instagram, you’ll find plenty of ads mixed into your feed and stories. These are posted directly from a company. If you click on the ad, it will bring you to the company website. These types of ads will be labeled “Sponsored” under the company name and above the image or video. Companies and brands pay a fee directly to Meta (Instagram’s parent company) in order to have their ads distributed to their target audience. 
  • Shopping sponsored, Influencer posts – Companies and brands send products to influencers to review and post. They will often include a link or code to purchase at a discount. This costs far less for companies than creating their own ads and purchasing ad space or time. It’s also beneficial for consumers as they can choose to make purchases based on the advice of Influencers that they already know, like, and trust. 
  • Shopping feed – Users can navigate to a shoppable Instagram feed by tapping on the shopping bag icon from the bottom menu on the mobile app. Here, you’ll find a feed of shoppable posts. This means that the images have products specifically tagged in them. An image with products tagged in it will have the same shopping bag icon in the upper right corner of the post. You can also visit the profile of a specific brand or company and click the “View Shop” button just below their bio to shop all of their products. 

Tip: When you see something you like on Instagram, go to the website. A lot of times it is a local brand or person. This is one of my favorite parts of shopping on IG. 

But, keep an eye out for…

While shopping on the ‘Gram is easy, you have to be careful. 

Don’t just buy immediately straight from the post. Go to the website. 

  • See where the company is located. 
  • Check where your product will be made and shipped from. 
  • Read the reviews on Trip Advisor or Google, not just reviews on the company website. 
  • If you’re purchasing clothes, read what material they use and look at the reviews that mention sizing to see if items run small or large. 

I once ordered a t-shirt straight from a post on Instagram. It looked cute in the picture. It said “GOOD VIBES” on the front. 

In reality, the shirt took over 6 weeks to arrive on a slow ship from China. It almost didn’t arrive at all and reaching a customer service person was impossible. When the shirt finally arrived, the fabric was cheap and the shirt actually read, “GOOD VBLES”.

It’s funny to tell the story now, but this type of thing is more common than you might expect. So, do your research before you click submit order

Are You Using Social Media to Reach Your Customers?

If you’re not yet using Instagram to reach your customers, maybe you should be!

Remember, as a brand or company, there are three ways you can do this…

  • Purchase ads on Instagram. You provide the creative and the copy, select the audience and run the ads.
  • Set up an Instagram shop. This will allow you to tag your products in posts and it will include your posts in the shoppable Instagram feed.
  • Influencer posts. Keep reading for more info on how beneficial this could be for your brand.

Benefits of Influencer Marketing:

Finding the right Instagram Influencers can be great from both the advertiser and consumer sides. Often, it’s a win-win.

  • Advertisers can be more closely and directly connected with their audience. Learning what they really want and need and responding to their questions and concerns.
  • Consumers can find influencers that they trust and get tips on everything from clothing and fashion, home design, DIY, and recipes, to business and financial advice.